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Here are the PS5 Launch Titles We Think Are Most Ripe for the Platting!

Aug 28, 2016 - This is what the cake needs to look like - battlebots giant nut trophy. On top of the cash prize, the winner of it all obtains the famous Giant Nut Trophy. But participating aside, whether viewing on television or as a member of the audience, being a spectator to.

It’s so close we can taste it! In less than 2 weeks, we here in the UK will be finally getting our hands on our PS5 pre-orders, and our US cousins will be hands-on even sooner!

With that in mind, every trophy hunter is thinking about the same thing; What’s the first PS5 game I’m going to add to my platinum trophy collection?

We’ll be hard at work from the UK launch date, platting as many of the launch titles as we can, so we can get reviews and guides up for our beloved readers to help fill up some trophy cabinets! Because of this, I’ve done a fair bit of research on what to expect from these upcoming titles so we’re prepared for launch, and I want to share this info with you!

Below you’ll find our best candidates for early PS5 platting, and some speculation about the game’s platinum journey. Once there are guides and/or reviews available I’ll also update this page to include convenient links to them!

Astro’s Playroom

Pre-installed in every PlayStation 5 console, this free title is actually a fully-fledged game, sporting it’s very own Platinum Trophy and a projected 8-10 hours of gameplay.

Astro’s Playroom is a platforming game similar to that of Astro’s debut on VR in Astro Bot Rescue Mission and acts as a love letter to the history of PlayStation.

Lovingly wrapped in easter eggs from the PlayStation consoles and exclusive games of the past, you’ll take a tour through the PlayStation 5 console, from the Cooling System to the GPU. You will get a heavily stylised introduction to the PS5 console’s features and functions.

The now-revealed trophy list asks that we complete all 4 stages and find every collectable along the way. To get that Platinum there’s a little extra push in the form of miscellaneous trophies, but nothing that even the most casual of gamers couldn’t accomplish.

So, it’s free, it comes pre-installed, it’s short, and it’s sweet — Astro’s Playroom looks to be the perfect candidate for your first PS5 platinum, and given the size of games these days, you could probably have it platted by the time your collection of pre-ordered AAA titles have finished downloading!

Check out our Astro’s Playroom Trophy Guide and Astro’s Playroom Collectable Guide


While this game doesn’t immediately strike me as one I’d personally be buying up, the title comes to us PS Plus members for free from November 12th (The PS5 Launch Date for most of the world) and will be available for free download up until January 4th as long as you have an active PS Plus subscription!

The trophy list asks that you complete the game’s main story segments while also doing your best to collect and transform a varied selection of Bugsnax throughout the game. It looks like a fairly easy casual-friendly game with an equally simple trophy list, but until the game is released it’s hard to say for certain.

Regardless, being able to snap it up free of additional charge makes the game a very attractive candidate for an early PS5 platinum trophy.

Check out our Bugsnax Trophy Guide and Bugsnax Bugapedia Guide

Sackboy: A Big Adventure

A good transition from Astro’s Playroom is Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Also available on PS4 at launch, Sackboy is very similar to Astro’s Playroom in that it is a 3D platforming adventure.

Far from the creative sandbox that was Little Big Planet, the creators of Sackboy: A big Adventure have decided to strip away the level-building aspects of Little Big Planet and focused in on making a very quirky and fun platforming title set in the same charm-filled fabric world.

The revealed trophy list features all the trophies you’d expect to see; complete all the stages, collect various items, etc. But there is a fair deal of multiplayer trophies asking you to high-five, dance, and complete some stages with a friend, which is bad news for those of you who only picked up one Dualsense controller!

Online Multiplayer for the title has been delayed, too, so if you want those trophies it’ll have to be couch co-op!

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Here it is. The holy grail of exclusive launch titles, sequel to one of the PS4’s greatest console-selling exclusives, Spider-Man: Miles Morales will see us take up the mantle of Peter Parker’s prodigy as we save New York once again from a brand new threat.

I’m among the majority when I say this game has my spider-senses tingling with pure excitement as I prepare to re-enter the fantastic world Insomniac has pieced together here. With stunning graphics and surely a stacked trophy list of to-dos and collectables, I can’t wait to get caught in this web!

The trophy list sports the usual expectations, complete the story and then go to every side-activity icon on the map and complete them all. The usual stuff with a few misc combat trophies thrown in to nudge you in the right direction, certainly nothing a new trophy hunter fresh off the boat from their Xbox One couldn’t handle!

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Remastered


If being an active member of r/Trophies on Reddit has taught me anything, it’s that everybody and their dog has snapped up this game’s platinum trophy, with many people proudly donning it as their very first Platinum Trophy.

Well, for those of us who are willing to fork over a little bit of extra cash when pre-ordering Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Insomniac have put together a fully remastered version of the original PS4 exclusive masterpiece, complete with new PS5 graphical features such as Raytracing.

The exciting thing about this remaster for trophy hunters, however, is that it features some brand new trophies, and the platinum you earn here can be stacked on top of your PS4 version Platinum.

As a big fan of Spider-Man in general as well as the original Marvel’s Spider-Man, I’m incredibly excited to have an excuse for playing the game all over again and picking up another trophy for it!

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla

We’re reluctant fans of Assassin’s Creed here at PlatGet. The games are often filled to the brim with glitches and Ubisoft has shown a habit in the past of throwing in some trophies you’d really prefer weren’t there. Regardless, their last two titles – while being quite a grind – proved to be completely doable and enjoyable trophy lists which I’d be happy to do again!

Odyssey was, in my opinion, one of the better AC games and featured the most reasonable Trophy List. You can read my opinions on that title here.

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The Valhalla trophy list seems similar, there are a few trophies for finding and completing various events around the map, but it looks as though the more insane find-all-10-billion-collectables trophies thankfully haven’t made a comeback. There will be a fair amount of exploring involved as we’ll likely have to cover off most of the map, but I find the process of clearing the map points quite therapeutic and do often look forward to a good old Ubisoft map-clearing trophy grind.

Besides, I also really love Viking-related content, so I think Ubisoft would have won me over on this regardless!


If you enjoy the AC games or are just looking for a more involved and time-consuming trophy to break in your PS5, then look no further! But, keep your fingers crossed that there are no game-breaking bugs or unobtainable trophies, as Ubisoft have a reputation for selling broken or unfinished games!

Honourable Mentions

Watch Dogs: Legion

If you’re a fan of Ubisoft’s map-completionist approach to Platinum Trophies, but Assassin’s Creed Valhalla doesn’t tickle your fancyu, you may be interested to try WatchDogs Legion instead. With an easy trophy list and a gameplay gimick that has a lot of people talking, this 40-hour plat could be just what you need to break in your new console.

Bear in mind, though, that the game is fairly glitchy (as if that wasn’t to be expected from Ubisoft) and so reports are coming in that some trophies are also glitched!

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Demon’s Souls

The latest Soulsborne game to curse PlayStation consoles comes in the form of a remaster. Demon’s Souls is where it all started, before even Dark Souls was a thing. For many, this monumental re-release is all they could ever hope for from a next-gen console and honestly, while I’m not a fan of soulsborne games myself, I’m excited for those who are!

There’s even a small niche subsect of trophy hunters who dedicate most of their time to purely platting Soulsborne titles so I’m certain this game will be at the top of many of those players’ lists.

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With that in mind, Demon’s Souls won’t be for everyone. If you’re not familiar with Soulsborne titles, don’t let the awesome graphics and gorgeous lovecraftian aesthetic entice you; those who attempt this platinum are in for a rough time and it shouldn’t be a challenge that’s taken lightly!

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Another shared-world online RPG joins the ranks of Destiny, Anthem, The Division, and Avengers.

Destiny was a huge success for PS4 consoles when it finally launched, even being the reason that I personally chose to update from a PS3 console. Interestingly, unlike the Destiny launch, Godfall’s developers have chosen to do away with legacy support and make the game exclusive to the next-gen beast that is the PS5.

While we’re looking forward to Godfall and certain it will be an excellent title, I’d argue it’s not the best platinum trophy to target right away. Shared-world games like this often have platinums requiring upwards of 70 hours of grinding and often even a stellar team of friends to help with Raid-like events and more.

It’s hard to say until we know more about the game’s trophy list, but from a glance it doesn’t look like the best choice for an inaugural PS5 platinum!

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Disagree with this list? Are there any launch titles you think we should have included? Let us know on Twitter @GetPlat or Instagram @PlatGet and join the discussion!

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