Fantasy Terrain Generator

  1. Random Terrain Generator
  2. Fantasy Terrain Generator

Fantasy Landscape Name Generator Whether your adventures lead through uncharted wilderness, a treacherous mountain range, or a final destination of doom, every fantasy realm is filled with geographic features that help define its wonder and danger! Nem’s Mega 3D Terrain Generator is a nice and easy to use terrain creator and heightmap generator software for Windows. There are few tutorials available for users to make the terrain generation process even simpler, such as Making a Cave, Generating Cliffs, and more. You can find these tutorials here Tutorials. The generator intentionally makes unrealistic terrain that was designed for the needs of our game, Realm of the Mad God 1. Back in 2010 I wrote an article about the algorithms 2; the original demo was in Flash 3. Later I wrote a stylized map output that I then reused here. TerraForged is an ambitious new terrain generator mod for Minecraft (Java Edition) attempting to create more immersive, inspiring worlds to explore and build in. Featuring an overhaul of the vanilla generation system, custom terrain shapes, simulated erosion, better rivers, custom decorations, tonnes of configuration options, and more! For nearly a decade, World Machine has been the go-to terrain generation tool for 3D artists. More than 8,000 customers have chosen WM to create terrain for AAA game titles, visual effects, or their own artwork.

Terrain generator onlineFantasy Terrain Generator

TerraForged is an ambitious new terrain generator mod for Minecraft (Java Edition) attemptingto create more immersive, inspiring worlds to explore and build in. Featuring an overhaul ofthe vanilla generation system, custom terrain shapes, simulated erosion, better rivers, customdecorations, tonnes of configuration options, and more!

Features & Goals

TerraForged's aim is to make your Minecraft world look & feel more coherent, expansive andinteresting. It does this by combining a wide variety of hand-crafted terrain-type generators(many of which are inspired by real-life landforms) and then procedurally blending, eroding andsmoothing together.

Unlike Vanilla - which generates the biomes first, and lets the biomes define how the terrain isshaped - TerraForged generates the terrain first and then decorates it with biomes that suit.Not only does this produce smoother and more natural transitions between contrasting terrains,but means that biomes are no longer fixed to a single terrain type, allowing for much morevariation.

TerraForged makes use of an hydraulic-erosion algorithm to help improve the visual style of itsterrain.This process traces the paths of thousands of water droplets down the slope of the terrain,simulatingmaterial erosion, carry, & deposition, and creates subtle lines and variations in the heightmap.

Random Terrain Generator

Fantasy Terrain GeneratorGenerator

Data from this process is also used when decorating the terrain to expose the rock-face on highlyeroded inclines, place gravel (scree) at the bottom of slopes, and to remove snow from locationswhere it wouldn't naturally settle.

Fantasy Terrain Generator

Rivers will always lead you to the ocean, gradually increasing in width from start to finish. Theycan stretch for (literally) thousands of blocks carving the terrain & forming valleys as they go.You'll also find forks where two rivers meet, and the occasional lake on the way.
Love sliders? TerraForged's got you covered! Control anything from how much ocean your worldhas to how common volcanoes are! All this within an interactive GUI with a handy preview-mapshowing just how your settings will affect the world.
This 15k world was generated with an in-dev build of TerraForged on 1.16.4.