The Hydraulic Cylinder Bd Exerts On Member Abc

Fig for Problem-1 Problem-2 The hydraulic cylinder BD exerts on member ABC a force P directed along line BD. Knowing that P must have a 750-N component perpendicular to member ABC, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) its component parallel to ABC. Answer to The hydraulic cylinder BD exerts on member ABC a force P directed along line BD. Knowing that P must have a 750-N. PROBLEM 2.25 The hydraulic cylinder BD exerts on member ABC a force P directed along line BD. Knowing that P must have a 750-N component perpendicular to member ABC, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) its component parallel to ABC. 2190N 2060 N SOLUTION 750 N = Psin20C 2192.9 N P cos200 ABC. The answer to “The hydraulic cylinder BD exerts on member ABC a force P directed along line BD. Knowing that P must have a 750-N component perpendicular to member ABC, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) its component parallel to ABC.

1. Two forces P and Q are applied as shown at point A of a hook support. Knowing that P=75 N and Q = 125 N. Determine by trigonometry (a) the required magnitude of the force Q if the resultant R of the two forces applied at A is to be vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of R.

The Hydraulic Cylinder Bd Exerts On Member Abc

2, Solve by trigonometry. Two forces are applied at point B of beam AB. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of their resultant using (a) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle rule

The Hydraulic Cylinder Bd Exerts On Member Abc A Force P Directed

3. The hydraulic cylinder BD exerts on member ABC a force P directer along line BD. Knowing that P must have a 750-N component perpendicular to member ABC, determine (a) the magnitude of the force P, (b) it's component parallel to ABC

4. Determine the resultant of the three forces. X and Y

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THese are problems from my textbook. The answers for these questions are in the back of the book but i'm unsure how to work towards those answers.
1. (a) 44.7 N (b) 107.1 N
2. 3.30 kN 66.6 degrees
3. (a) 2190 N. (b) 2060 N
4. 654 N 21.5 degrees

1. Two forces P and Q are applied as shown at point A of a hook support. Knowing that P=75 N and Q = 125 N. Determine by trigonometry (a) the required magnitude of the force Q if the resultant R of the two forces applied at A is to be vertical, (b) the corresponding magnitude of R.


The expert examines the two forces of trigonometry resultant magnitudes. A step by step solutions to all the problems are provided.

The hydraulic cylinder bd exerts on member abc a force p directed along line bd

The hydraulic cylinder BD exerts on member ABC a force P directedalong line BD. Knowing that P must have a 750-N componentperpendicular to member ABC, determine (a) the magnitude of the forceP, (b) its component parallel to ABC?

1 Answer

(a) We need to find out #angle DBC#. From the figure

The Hydraulic Cylinder Bd Exerts On Member Abc A Force P Directed

  1. #angle BDC=90-50=40^@#
  2. #angle BCD=90+(90-60)=120^@#
  3. #angle DBC+angle BCD+angle CDB=180^@#
    #=>angle DBC+120+40=180^@#
    #=>angle DBC=20^@#

    #P sin 20^@=750 N#
    #=>P =750/sin 20^@ N#
    #=>P =2193 N#

(b) Component of #P# which is parallel to #ABC#, #P_(||)#

#P_(||)=P cos20^@=2193xxcos20^@=2061 N#

The Hydraulic Cylinder Bd Exerts On Member Abc A Force P Directed Along Line Bd

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